"Eternally in joy for a day's training on earth." ~Blaise Pascal

Friday, August 01, 2008

August 2008 Training Runs

  • August 1, Friday: LONG RUN of 16 miles total (8 with Steve for Columbia loop in 64 minutes; then next 8 down to Katy and back--my GPS broke so I'm guessing time was around 55 minutes)...
  • August 2, Saturday: ran for 1:25 minutes (about 12 miles?) on Katy--very hot...FARTLEK for 60 second bursts
  • August 3, Sunday: No Running
  • August 4, Monday: TEMPO in a.m. at Cosmo Park--averaged 6:37 per mile (extremely hot)--bagged it after 5 miles tempo for a total of 10 miles. Also ran this p.m., 6.50 miles EZ cuz it's really really hot and humid!
  • August 5, Tuesday: Hit the Katy in the afternoon, but had to switch up my run a bit due to water fountains at Scott Blvd. not working--so instead of going way out and back in (and getting dangerously dehydrated) I turned around and went back in for 8 miles with a negative split of 73 seconds, then back out and in for another 6.50 for a total of 14.50 miles EZ
  • August 6, Wednesday: TRACK WORKOUT, 2 mile warm up; then 8 X 1000s (3:43; 3:42; 3:42; 3:41; 3:43; 3:43; 3:42; 3:39) then 3 mile cool down on Katy for a total of 13 miles
  • August 7, Thursday: 14 on Katy--negative split of 4 minutes. MEZ
  • August 8, Friday: 8 miles EZ with Steve through Columbia (63 minutes)
  • August 9, Saturday: LONG RUN, 2:14 total (negative split of 20 seconds) 6:44 avg pace going out for the first 10 miles; then 6:42 avg pace coming back). Felt really good and solid.
  • August 10, Sunday: No Running
  • August 11, Monday: TEMPO run at Cosmo Park, 7.50 miles in 47:12 (6:18 avg pace). Total of 14 miles.
  • August 12, Tuesday: 14 miles on Katy Trail, negative split of 4:20. Good aggressive return, EZ out, MEZ back in...
  • August 13, Wednesday: TRACK WORKOUT, 2 mile warm up, then 9 X 1000s with 600 meters cool down in between. Felt good with my times: 3:43; 3:43; 3:40; 3:35; 3:35; 3:31; 3:37; 3:39; 3:34. Then 3.1 mile cool down loop.
  • August 14, Thursday: 14 miles on Katy Trail, negative split of about 2:30, total time in 1:45:14. EZ
  • August 15, Friday: 16 miles LONG RUN (first 8 with Steve in 1:00:44; then second 8 in 55:54)...inner city Columbia loop.
  • August 16, Saturday: 6.25 on treadmill in KC hotel...MEZ
  • August 17, Sunday: No Running
  • August 18, Monday: TEMPO A: 5 miles in 31:01; TEMPO C: 5 miles in 33:08 (ran 2.5 miles warmup, did Tempo A; then had to break it because I was so exhausted; then ran Tempo C with 1.25 cool down afterward). Total of 15 miles.
  • August 19, Tuesday: 14 miles on Katy, total time of 1:38 (negative split of 4:00).
  • August 20, Wednesday: EZ track day...only did 3 miles of fast stuff with Steve (6:30s per mile); total of 9 miles
  • August 21, Thursday: